Dromen met producten van Van der Valk

Delightful dreams with Van der Valk

Dreams: we all do it. Some dream about fun things, while others oftand dream about intandse things or even have nightmares. But how do dreams arise and why does everyone dream differently? In this blog, you can read more about the meaning of dreams and why you can dream wonderfully at Van der Valk.

What are dreams actually?

A dream can be compared to a movie of your own thoughts. In every dream, there is a kind of storyline that can sometimes take the craziest turns. When we dream, different areas of the brain are active than during the day. This leads to an inverted processing of information in the brain. During sleep, we do not perceive information from the outside world, but rather receive information from within our brains. Therefore, we can say that dreams are theoretically a kind of hallucinations. While dreaming, we process everything we have experienced/learned that day and give it a place, so that we have room for new information, emotions, and experiences the next day. 

When do we dream?

Dreams occur during the so-called: REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement). During this sleep phase, the brain is very active. Our eyes make rapid movements and our body is in a wakeful state, while the muscles are paralyzed. This allows us to "perceive" in our dreams, but we cannot actually perform them with our body. 

The function of dreams

During REM sleep, you make connections between experiences and events from the past day. Our brain combines these connections with events from longer ago. Because different brain areas are active during this sleep phase, these connections are 'projected' in a jumble. This gives us the opportunity to make new connections and come up with solutions for difficult situations. This is also where the saying "sleeping on it" comes from. 

Delightfully daydreaming with the products of Van der Valk

To fall asleep well and drift off into a lovely dream, good sleeping comfort is an important first step. When you lie comfortably and adopt a good sleeping position, the chance of dreaming increases. This is because you then sleep deeper and your brain has the opportunity to spend longer in REM sleep. With the matrassen, bedden en mattress toppers from Van der Valk you bring the ultimate hotel comfort home. Our also box springs, dekbedden en hoofdkussens contribute to a good night's sleep and a better sleeping posture. Take a look at Valk Store and find your favorite Valk product for home. 



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