A heatwave is coming again and it affects many people's sleep quality. Tossing and turning and not finding the right position is common during warm and humid nights. What can you do to minimize this as much as possible? Read the tips from below Valk Store. We are happy to help you achieve a good night's sleep.
Why is temperature so important during sleep?
During sleep, your body temperature changes depandding on how deep your sleep is. Whand you enter deep sleep, your body temperature decreases, and it rises during light sleep. When it's warm and you can't fall asleep, your body temperature also decreases more slowly. This makes it difficult to achieve deep sleep.
But how do you ensure that you can sleep well during a heatwave?
Close windows and curtains
The ideal temperature for the best sleep is 16 to 19 degrees. Try to maintain this temperature in the room as much as possible. You can keep the room cool by keeping the windows and curtains closed during the day and then opening them in the evening when the temperature drops for fresh air.
The right materials
There are many matrassen, toppers en dekbedden that regulate temperature and moisture. For good sleep during warm nights, it is important to use these products. This prevents the bed from becoming damp and warm. Additionally, it is advisable to use as much cotton as possible. Cotton keeps the bed cool, unlike satin and polyester. Check out our range bedlinnen for hoeslakens, moltons en dekbedovertrekken made of cotton.
Many people often take a cold shower when they lack sleep due to heat. This only has a short-term effect. Initially, it feels refreshing, but after a cold shower, the pores close to warm the body up again. Your body starts working to warm up, and then you end up feeling twice as warm as before the shower. Showering is of course possible, but it is better to take a lukewarm shower. For handdoeken, badjassen and other badtextiel can you take a look in the webshop.