Verschillende slaaphoudingen

What position do you sleep in?

Everyone has one or more sleeping positions in which they fall asleep most comfortably, but each sleeping position has its pros and cons. Do you oftand have neck and back pain or do you snore a lot while sleeping? Try a different sleeping position, as this can be very helpful in reducing the complaints.

Stomach sleepers

Sleeping on your stomach is the worst position for your body. Your head, neck, and back have to make a significant twist. In this twisted position, you strain your muscles throughout the night, and you may still experience discomfort during the day. Breathing is also more difficult for the body when lying in this unnatural position, resulting in you getting out of bed in the morning feeling less rested and more tired. If you cannot sleep in another position, we recommend either no pillow or a pillow as flat as possible. hoofdkussen to be used as a stomach sleeper.

Side sleepers

Side sleeping is the most common position. Generally, people find this the most comfortable, and that makes sense, as it is the safest sleeping position. Just think of the stable side position. It is natural for people to find this a pleasant posture. However, it does have its pros and cons. The advantages of side sleeping are that you will experience less back pain and snoring. It can also help with acid reflux. However, the disadvantages include extra pressure on certain organs such as your stomach and lungs. When someone sleeps on their side for an extended period, they may experience discomfort in the shoulder. This is because your shoulder bears the weight of the entire body when you are lying on your side. Another disadvantage of side sleeping is the development of wrinkles in the neck and face.

Back sleepers

The best position for your body is sleeping on your back. There are no pressure points on the body and the weight is evenly distributed. When neck and back pain occurs in this sleeping position, it may be due to a poor mattress or pillow. For mattresses en pillows You can find good quality at Valk Store. However, the downside of sleeping on your back is that it increases the chance of snoring. In this case, make sure that your pillow is not too thick and that you can breathe freely. Tilting your head slightly can already help reduce or stop snoring.

Are you still looking for hoofdkussens, dekbedden, matrassen of topper? Then take a quick look at Valk Store. Do you have questions about the assortment? Feel free to contact with us. 

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